The accident insurance policy AIDWORKER-U is tailored to the particular risks of aid workers abroad, especially in conflict areas. It provides a level of protection that exceeds by far any normal private accident insurance. You can select from different combinations with different sums insured.
We gladly make a detailed table of tariffs available for you.
The table of tariffs informs among other things about insurance in case of:
In the description of benefits, you will find a customer-friendly overview of all essential benefits and benefit exclusions. The insurance conditions include all the details of the respective policy.
Product information sheet AW-U1-U49 German
Description of Benefits AIDWORKER-U1-49 English
Description of Benefits AIDWORKER-U1-49 German
Insurance Conditions AIDWORKER-U1-49 German
Product information sheet AW-U50-U89 German
Description of Benefits AIDWORKER-U50-89 German
Insurance Conditions AIDWORKER-U50-89 German
T +49 2247 9194-994
F +49 2247 9194-40